Skin Earth Vitality from Stratum Aesthetics
Skin | Earth | Vitality
Face oils, PUFAs, Tallow, and Moisturizers

Face oils, PUFAs, Tallow, and Moisturizers


In this episode, Emily Davis discusses facial oils and moisturizers. She emphasizes the importance of understanding the chemical composition of oils and how it can affect the skin. She explains the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats and their impact on the skin's barrier function. Emily also addresses the debate around polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and tallow in skincare. She recommends using a blend of oils rather than a single oil and discusses the benefits of moisturizers. Emily concludes by encouraging listeners to make informed choices for their skin and to stay curious.


  • Understanding the chemical composition of oils can help in choosing the right oils for your skin.

  • Saturated fats provide a protective barrier for the skin, while unsaturated fats are more easily absorbed and support the skin's natural barrier function.

  • The debate around polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and tallow in skincare requires nuance and consideration of individual skin types and needs.

  • Using a blend of oils and a hydrosol can be an alternative to creams that contain strong emulsifiers.

  • Moisturizers are important for maintaining the skin's hydration and should be the last step in a skincare routine.


00:00 Introduction and Acknowledgment

03:18 Remembering Danna Omari

04:02 Facial Oils and Moisturizers

08:19 The Practice of Oil Application

20:06 Saturated and Unsaturated Fats

24:14 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids

29:23 Debate around PUFAs and Tallow

31:42 Exploring Tallow

38:01 Moisturizers and Creams

41:29 Using Oils in Skincare Routine

42:24 Conclusion and Next Episode


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Skin Earth Vitality from Stratum Aesthetics
Skin | Earth | Vitality
Looking to learn more about holistic skincare, herbalism, and whole-body vitality? Tune in for expert advice, tips, and interviews with experts in the field. We cover everything from the science of the skin and natural skincare ingredients to lifestyle shifts that connect us more deeply to our natural environment, to how your natural vibrant beauty can shine brightly through your skin. Join us on our journey to discover the power of vitalism.