Skin Earth Vitality from Stratum Aesthetics
Skin | Earth | Vitality
A Basic Guide To Getting To Know Your Skin

A Basic Guide To Getting To Know Your Skin

If You Feel Lost In The Skincare Aisle or You Depend On Someone Telling You What Products You Need

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Today's episode is dedicated to empowering you with the foundational knowledge of skincare. If you've ever felt overwhelmed while navigating the skincare aisle or relied heavily on the advice of beauty influencers, this series is for you. We'll embark on a journey through skincare 101, starting with cleansers and moving step by step through each product category.

My aim is to equip you with the expertise typically reserved for professionals, empowering you to make informed decisions about your skincare routine. While a 30-minute episode won't replace the expertise of a professional, it serves as a springboard for your skincare journey.

I firmly believe that you are your own best healer. While professionals like aestheticians and dermatologists play a crucial role, true healing begins with understanding your body and skin intimately. When you become attuned to your body's needs, every decision you make becomes more powerful, enhancing the effectiveness of any professional treatments.

Skincare is undoubtedly important, but it's essential to recognize that lifestyle forms the foundation of lasting change. Your daily habits and practices profoundly impact your skin's health and vitality. That's why I founded the Rooted Well Community, a space dedicated to reconnecting women with their innate vitality through ancestral skill building and seasonal living.

In the rootedWELL Community, we embrace practices like from-scratch cooking, herbalism, and circadian living, honoring the wisdom of our ancestors in today's convenience-driven world. By reclaiming these traditions, we can achieve better health outcomes and restore vitality to our bodies and skin.

February's focus on from-scratch cooking exemplifies the significance of food in nurturing our vitality. The food we consume serves as a code, shaping our bodies and skin. By embracing practices like from-scratch cooking, we reconnect with the spark of innate vitality that may have been obscured by modern conveniences.

If the Rooted Well Community resonates with you, I invite you to join us. As a member, you'll find support, inspiration, and a community of like-minded individuals committed to holistic well-being. Visit the link in my bio or website to learn more and become part of this transformative journey.

Before diving into skincare product selection, it's crucial to set intentions and understand your skin's unique needs. Far too often, we invest in products without considering our skin type and current conditions, leading to wasted resources and ineffective treatments.

Understanding your skin type lays the foundation for tailored skincare routines. By following a simple four-step process, you can identify whether your skin tends towards oily or dry, guiding your product selection accordingly.

Here are four steps to find out: 

  1. Begin with a clean face: Gently cleanse your face with a mild cleanser to remove anything on the surface.

  2. Wait: Wait at least an hour to let your skin adjust.

  3. Observe: Evaluate pores objectively.  Are they barely visible?  Are they large?  Larger pores indicate an oily skin type and smaller pores indicate dry.  

  4. Assess Texture: Gently feel your skin's texture with your fingertips. Oily skin may feel slightly oily, while dry skin might feel rough or tight. 

Beyond skin type, it's essential to recognize common skin conditions like acne, dehydration, hyperpigmentation, dermatitis, and rosacea. Each condition requires targeted skincare approaches, emphasizing the importance of informed decision-making in product selection.

Acne and Congested Skin: Characterized by the formation of breakouts, blackheads, and whiteheads, acne occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. Acne can occur in both dry or oily skin. Most acne products are formulated for oily skin, and this is why its imoratnt to understand what your skin type is because if you are using the wrong formulation for your skin it might be making your condition worse. 

Dehydration: Dehydrated skin lacks water, leading to dryness and tightness. This can happen when the invisible lipid barrier on the surface is compromised and water evaporates.  While drinking water is important, not drinking enough water isn’t always the culprit behind dehydrated skin. Dehydration can occur in both oily and dry skin

Hyperpigmentation: Darkened patches on the skin caused by increased melanin production are known as hyperpigmentation. Excessive sun exposure, inflammation, and hormonal changes can trigger this condition.

Dermatitis: Refers to a group of inflammatory skin conditions causing redness, itchiness, and irritation. Genetic predisposition and environmental factors contribute to dermatitis flare-ups.

Rosacea: Rosacea leads to facial redness, visible blood vessels, and sometimes acne-like breakouts. Triggers include sunlight, heat, stress, gut dysbiosis, and certain foods.

However, skincare extends beyond surface-level concerns. It involves nurturing the three-part skin barrier, supporting cellular communication, and maintaining optimal hydration levels. By understanding these underlying mechanisms, you can make informed choices about skincare ingredients and practices.

In the upcoming episodes, we'll delve deeper into cosmetic ingredient decks, exploring beneficial ingredients and those to avoid. Armed with this knowledge, you'll feel empowered to curate a skincare routine that honors your skin's needs and enhances your natural beauty.

As we conclude today's episode, I hope you feel empowered and informed about your body and skin. If this content resonates with you, I encourage you to share it with others who may benefit. Together, we'll embark on a transformative journey towards holistic well-being.

Thank you for joining me today, and I look forward to our continued exploration in the coming weeks.

Until next time, take care and be well.

Skin Earth Vitality from Stratum Aesthetics
Skin | Earth | Vitality
Looking to learn more about holistic skincare, herbalism, and whole-body vitality? Tune in for expert advice, tips, and interviews with experts in the field. We cover everything from the science of the skin and natural skincare ingredients to lifestyle shifts that connect us more deeply to our natural environment, to how your natural vibrant beauty can shine brightly through your skin. Join us on our journey to discover the power of vitalism.